Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2 days late

No, not my period, my blog. I was supposed to post monday but I had a golf tournament (took 6th in the county, no big deal), and yesterday I worked on my paper with Mr. Saxon. Now, I have just had the legendary and beautiful M.O.B Mobbish Megan read over my paper. She made several grammatical corrections and was, as always, extremely helpful. I feel I am a little behind on my paper with only my opening paragraph and some of my body paragraph written at this point, but once I get a little more research done, the words will jump out of my mouth and onto the paper. For now, during class I will be working on my research paper, and I will hopefully have it finished by early next week. Also, I will soon begin reading the book Bringing Down The House as well as watching the movie 21, to prepare for my final project. Well, I best be getting to my paper.

slammy - outttt