Monday, April 14, 2008

Final Project, Finally

Brainstorming for the individual 4th marking period project has commenced. My mom ordered a book for me from the library called Bringing Down The House, which is the story line of which the new hit movie 21* is based on. This gave me an idea. One of the biggest passions in my life is gambling. I have been betting all my life. In 5th grade, I ran a march madness pool with a buy in of 25 cents. I've maintained the pool every year with an increasing buy in and amount of participants every year. Riding the points, letting it all go on a toss of the dice - there's no better rush. That's why, anticipating Mr. Saxon's approval, I am going to do my final project on gambling. I know that two of my materials will be Bringing Down the House, and subsequently, the movie 21*. One minor dilemna however, is I need to find atleast one more book because as of right now, my repetoir is quite shallow with one book and one movie. Thankfully, I found a website listing books that deal with betting, so hopefully by the end of the week I will have atleast one more novel to read. Also by the end of the week, I would like to have an entire plan for the marking period - what my paper is going to be about, what my final presentation is going to be, and what I am going to use as research or for other opinions. I'm afraid this post must come to end because I need to finish my PIP before my interview tomorrow. Expect to be hearing more from me in the near future.

Slammy - out

1 comment:

J Saxon said...

slammy - make sure you post every monday with your expectations and plans for the week ahead and your view of what was accomplished last week.